Course curriculum

  • 1
    Module 1: Identify Your Starting Point
    • Lesson 1 - Intro
    • WMM Business Intelligence (Experts) Section Weekly Schedule
    • Lesson 2 - Your Wealth Matrix
    • Wealth Matrix
    • The 3D CEO - The 3 I's
    • Lesson 3 - What Next
    • Lesson 4 - Get Your Kolbe
    • Lesson 6 - Exit / Overview
  • 2
    Module 2: The Assessment and You
    • Lesson 1 - The Part You Play In Your Business
    • Business Suite Assessment - Kolbe A Index
    • Lesson 2 - Your Business Suite Introduction
    • The 4 D's
    • Lesson 3 - Your Skills Suite
    • Lesson 4 - Your Business Suite Assessment
    • Module 2 Success Questions
  • 3
    Module 3: Your Brand Promise and PDA
    • Lesson 1 - Know What is a Brand Promise
    • Lesson 2 - Know What a PDA is
    • Lesson 3 - Define Your PDA
    • Module 3 Success Questions
    • Ignite Your Freedom Workbook - Modules 1-3
  • 4
    Module 4: Define and Support the PDA
    • Lesson 1 - Hub and Spoke Exercise
    • Lesson 2 - The Priority
    • Lesson 3 - The 3T Method
    • Ignite Your Freedom Workbook - Module 4
    • Module 4 Success Questions
  • 5
    Module 5: Execution Week
    • Execution Week
    • Ignite Your Freedom Workbook - Modules 1-3
    • Ignite Your Freedom Workbook - Module 4
    • Experts Section: Modules 1-4 Checklist
  • 6
    Module 6: Commit to Your Ideal Customer (People)
    • Avatar
    • Commit to Your Ideal Client
    • Client Demographics & Psychographics
    • Client Demographics & Psychographics - Google Doc Version
    • Module 6 Success Questions
  • 7
    Module 7: Develop A Balanced Team
    • Lesson 1 - Intro
    • Lesson 2 - Job Trait Analysis
    • Lesson 3 - Hiring the Right People
    • Lesson 4 - Putting People in the Right Role
    • Lesson 5 - Firing the Wrong People
    • Lesson 6 - 8 Magic Questions
    • Lesson 7 - Exit / Overview
    • Module 7 Success Questions
  • 8
    Module 8: Record Your Systems (Processes)
    • Lesson 1 - SOPs (the old way)
    • Lesson 2 - SOPs (the new way)
    • Lesson 3 - Processes for Startups
    • Lesson 4 - Capturing Systems
    • Module 8 Success Questions